Sunday 29 June 2014

Courgettes?! In CUPCAKES?!

Some of you are probably well acquainted with the use of vegetables in cupcakes. Others might be thinking 'Vegetables? IN cakes? WTF?!!?' It's a fair reaction and quite honestly, I found it hard to accept when I first encountered this (now popular) phenomenon.

My first experience of this combo was a year or so ago, when the owner of Ma Bolton - a local gluten free baker - offered me a free sample of chocolate fudge beetroot cake that changed my whole outlook. It was rich and sweet and fudgy and the only sign there was anything unusual was a slightly earthy flavour. Later I tried a chocolate torte that was made using grilled aubergine. Again, it sounds strange but it was INCREDIBLE! A richer chocolate flavour you could no imagine.

This year we've had a glut of courgettes (that's right, a glut) and even after giving away a lot of them to friends and family, we still have an awful lot left! What to do!?!?

So I managed to track down a recipe for chocolate courgette cake on the internet. The great thing about this recipe is the courgette replaces the butter in the cake, so it's completely dairy free AND fatless! Wohoo! So having grated an awful lot of courgette (which would have been easier if my food processor worked properly), I mixed away. I was a bit unsure about the texture, since it was a bit sort of....gloopy. It was a sticky, gloopy mess. But I turned it into muffins, rather than one big cake and they turned out pretty well!

If you want these to be cupcakes, you could just do what I did and make some vanilla cream cheese frosting to go on them. Or you could go really decadent and use chocolate cream cheese frosting or ganache....ooohh.....ganache. But you can afford the calories. After all, the fact they have no butter and use courgette means it's practically a health food, right!?

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