Saturday 12 April 2014

A New Blackboard!

Okay, I know what you're thinking - 'a BLACKBOARD!? So what!? A whole blog post on one of those things?' But this isn't one of those kiddy blackboards. I decided to turn part of our kitchen wall into a giant blackboard. Evidence, Your Honour?

Ignoring for a moment the fact that apparently I can't write in straight lines, this has taken me a whole week. How depressing is that?! Okay, last weekend, we hit B&Q to get some DIY stuff and we came across this great stuff - magnetic blackboard paint! That's right - turn just about any dull, plain surface into a fun, chalk-friendly surface with (so it says) just 3 generous coats of paint!

Well, the finished product you're seeing here is actually SIX coats of paint, carried out over the course of the whole week. And the reason there are no magnets on it? Well, magnetic, my EYE! All but one magnet we tried to stick to it just slid right off. But just look at it! The bright colours on that matt black surface (courtesy of Crayola Dust-Free Assorted Colour Chalks)? And the fact I can wipe it all off then re-use it? Still so worth it!!There's just such a wonderful nostalgia that goes with blackboars - it harks back to the olden days at school where you'd fight for the chance to scribble something naughty while the teacher was out The days where you'd be constantly braced for that hideous scraping sound if someone scratched the board. Urgh! 

Anyway. Now all upcoming orders, all ingredients I need to buy, quick notes to myself, all of it can go straight on the board. Honestly, I am stupidly over-excited about my blackboard! Just one small problem...I haven't actually got hold of a chalk eraser yet. Ah well!

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