Saturday 5 April 2014

Supplies Shopping!

Having finally earned a small profit from the early sales, I found myself able to get some new (and desperately needed) equipment, at long last!

Now, I'll be honest, it wasn't just that I needed it. The truth of it is that I LOVE Lakeland! You know that feeling most women get when they find a new pair of shoes or a handbag? I get a similar feeling when it comes to baking equipment. Lakeland is like a toy shop full of bright, shiny trinkets that I can use and therefore justify buying. Dangerous stuff!

Despite my magpie-like longing for shiny things, I decided recently that I will be having a stall at the Bournemouth & Poole Coeliac Support Group's Food Fair on 26th April. Terrified? Me!? Well, yes, but only because it's about 300 times bigger than the AGM! Eep! Anyway, it means that I don't have all the equipment I need to make everything I'm planning to sell. So I've used that as a great excuse to visit my beloved Lakeland...aha! And I came away with this little lot..

So, here we have two 8 inch cake tins, some magic liner paper (AMAZING stuff - cookies come off it like a dream, even when they stick fast to greaseproof paper!), an ice cream sandwich tin, a feather duster (rude jokes widely encouraged), macaron mould sheet and some blackboard paint. Whyyyy blackboard paint, you might ask? Well...the plan is to turn a wall in our kitchen into an 'orders and shopping list' wall. It's even magnetic, so we can stick things right on the wall! Pictures to follow once it's done.

Some of you might be a little confused about why I shop somewhere as expensive as Lakeland. It's a fair question. But I know that I'm getting great quality from there; things that will work well and last very well. I once bought a cake tin from a well-known supermarket chain and it warped out of all proportion after about three uses and leaked cake mix all over the bottom of the oven. Not cool!

Anyway, in the next week, I plan to practise a couple of new products - lemon meringue cupcakes and macarons. I'm slightly nervous that they won't work out but SO excited to try some new products! I'll let you know how it goes!

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