Monday 14 April 2014

Food Fair, Here I Come!

It's been exactly a month since the Bournemouth & Poole Coeliac Support Group's AGM and it's now just under two weeks until the Food Fair.

And as you may have gathered from an earlier post, I have decided to have a stall at it.


If you're a regular reader, you'll know that I wasn't exactly overwhelmed with sales at the AGM, which is why it took me so long to make up my mind whether or not to do the Food Fair. In short, my confidence took something of a knock, and I've spent the last few weeks mentally cowering in a corner, rocking steadily back and forth and asking myself over and over 'Can I do this?'.

Of course, in the end, what it comes down to is YES, damnit! Because I chose to do this and giving up would make no sense whatsoever. So the best thing to do is get back on the metaphorical horse and jump the next metaphorical hurdle.

Having made this decision, I've ordered the clear plastic cake boxes I need for the cheesecake slices and I'm working out exactly what goods I want to sell. Here's what I'm thinking so far:

  •  Strawberry cheesecake
  •  Lemon and Lime cheesecake
  • Chocolate Caramel Swirl cheesecake 
  • Bakewell cupcakes
The problem is, I need a fourth cheesecake and something in addition to the bakewell cupcakes. Maybe ice cream sandwich cookies? Or, if I can master them in time (!!) maybe some macarons. That's not a spelling mistake, by the way. Apparently, the proper French ones are spelled with one 'l'! Who knew!? (Besides Raymond Blanc, anyway).

Any and all suggestions are very welcome!

In the meantime, I'm TERRIBLY excited to have been awarded a '5' for cleanliness after my inspection with the local council. Yay! Since I haven't got an exciting photo for you today, here's a pic of my certificate, and two pics of our garden, which is just starting to show signs of growing fruit and veg. Don't you just love Spring!?

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